by Alex Dalenberg | Aug 26, 2013 | Books, Reviews, Vintage
By Dale D. Dalenberg, M.D.August 25, 2013 Now that science fiction has achieved respectability, showing up regularly on the New York Times Best Seller List and filling half the screens at the megaplex, we forget that in the early days, all we fanboys had was H.G....
by Alex Dalenberg | Aug 5, 2013 | Antique Book Reports, Books, people, Vintage
By Dale Dalenberg August 5, 2013 Note: You can click through the slideshow above. Disney may not have succeeded in making Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter a household name, but few characters in popular literature are more universally known by name amongst even...
by Alex Dalenberg | Jul 29, 2013 | Books, Reviews
By Alex DalenbergJuly 28, 2013 Here’s an app that not only manages to make sense of Twitter, but also generates great reading recommendations: BookVibe. What BookVibe does is simple. It pulls together tweets about books from the people you follow on...
by Alex Dalenberg | Jun 17, 2013 | Books, Fantasy
By Alex DalenbergJune 16, 2013 Sure, we touch on science fiction and fantasy here on the blog, but if you’re interested in some rigorous backgrounding, I came across an interesting looking class that just got started at Coursera.It’s...
by Alex Dalenberg | May 20, 2013 | Books, Comics, Uncategorized
By Dale D. Dalenberg, M.D.May 19, 2013What did one read on the stagecoach or the train in the 1890s? Chances are it was a cheap, hastily written “novel,” the latest in a series of so-called dime or half-dime libraries. These lurid tales ranged from mysteries to...
by Alex Dalenberg | May 12, 2013 | Books, Vintage
By Dale D. Dalenberg, MDMay 12, 2013Earlier this year we wrote about new research into Frederic Wertham’s Seduction of the Innocent, basically the urtext of the anti-comic book crusade of the 1950s. You can read the original post here, but as a refresher, Dr. Wertham...