In Defense of Dylan’s Nobel

And the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature goes to. . . Bob Dylan!  What?!  Why not?! No question that this was a controversial award.  There are many who have applauded it, but there are a vocal few who feel that giving this award to a white, American song-writer who has...

The Flying Saucers are Real

The Original Flying Saucer Exposé:             Donald Keyhoe’s “The Flying Saucers Are Real”   By Dale D. Dalenberg MD   The Gold Medal paperback originals are a cornerstone of the Dalenberg Library of Antique Popular Literature.  We have a handful of them from 1950,...

1931: The Earliest Seuss in Hardcovers

 By Dale D. Dalenberg, M.D.October 13, 2014In 1931, well before Theodor Seuss Geisel published the childrens’ books for which he achieved his fame, he was drawing ads for Flit insect spray and publishing cartoons in magazines, most notably Life and the...